Kamis, 24 November 2011

Reading Character Through Someone quantity Font Name

Someone used to say, "what's in a name? Not too important, the important personal or behavior ". Could be correct phrase is, but if someone can have a connotation of the name (meaning / significance) it ugly? Certainly not at all. Instinctively every parent's time to name her baby, hoping someday in the future the child will grow as their expectations are reflected in the name given.
As an example the name of "good" or "beautiful", hoping the name-giver, a private owner of the name will grow into a human, noble, beautiful behavior and his mind and character, also did not rule out owner's name will have a face looks handsome / beautiful and charming for the opposite sex. Even in the tradition (culture) ethnicity / race specific, while giving a name for the baby accompanied by traditional ceremonies / rituals given in order to really bring good luck in the future.The name does contain the phrase / specific meaning, as well as alphabetical letters or leading someone.Character or nature of the alphabet / letter names before someone can be classified into several groups:

Alphabet "A", the properties or the natural character is:

- Has a strong stance, difficult to influence others and tend to be stubborn.

- May be unfair but it can sometimes be very selfish, if not in accordance with her wishes.

- Lack the adaptability of good if it enters the environment (shades) are new.

- Wants to be noticed and into the limelight.

- Has a enough love but less romantic in terms of romance.

- Difficult to make decisions in a short time because it has the consideration / analysis of the term.

- Too soon to give up when faced with a very complicated problem.

- Energetic, cheerful and happy joking.

Alphabet "C, E, F, G ', the properties or the natural character is:

- Likes to please others

- Liked being modif and sometimes attractive.

- Energetic, cheerful and easy to make friends

- Can accept the opinions of others, even against his will.

- Pleased to motivate others to get ahead

- And even less affection for men is quite romantic.

- Spoiled and likes to sulk.

- Willing to sacrifice for the sake of his good name.

Alphabet "B, D, O, Q ', the properties or the natural character is:

- Private enclosed and happy dominate.

- Does not easily give up when faced with a difficult situation.

- Are concerned with family and partner.

- Saving the expense and sometimes stingy due consideration and reason.

- Strong despite her endurance is often sick.

- Have more potential in the field of sports.

- Happy to analyze, serious and quite humorous.

Alphabet "I, J, L, T", the properties or the natural character is:

- Quite open with all the circumstances.

- Less self-sufficient in terms of economics.

- Happy to be friends with anyone and can place themselves.

- Easy to sick and poor immune systems.

- Less powerful stance and impressionable people.

- Always happy with the new stuff

- Shy

- Quickly analyze but sometimes slow if you have to make decisions.

- Are concerned with his partner, quite romantic but sometimes boring.

- Good at taking care of others.

Alphabet "P, R ', the properties or the natural character is:

- Often sloppy and careless.

- Personal friendly, happy to hang out and a little closed.

- Delighted with the beauty.

- Less neat in appearance.

- Has considerable resilience in the things that need accuracy.

- Did not like being center of attention and love relented.

- Humor and a bit grumpy.

- Likes to help others.

- Quite independent in terms of economic

Alphabet "H, K, M, N ', properties or natural character are:

- Establishment hard, strong, but soft feelings for easy tears.

- Has a deep analysis about something

- Happy harbor hard feelings and to express

- Be wise, fair and like to nurture.

- Always the center of attention because it said he said.

- Meticulous in taking decisions but sometimes hasty and careless.

- Willing to share with others.

- Have more potential in the field of religion.

Alphabet "U, V, W ', the properties or the natural character is:

- Is always open and can accept others' opinions.

- Happy to hang out with anyone

- Wasteful in spending and less like things related to accuracy.

- Love to be complimented and flattered.

- Stance is strong and full dedication to the task

- Have more potential in the economic field.

- Likes to please his partner and not so romantic in terms of romance.

- Rarely angry and likes to bury his emotions.

Alphabet "S, X, Y, Z ', the properties or the natural character is:

- Unique personality, likes to give surprises.

- Have more potential in the arts.

- Clever cover up his feelings in public

- Wasteful in spending.

- Happy to explore new things

- Happy to be a challenge.

- Sloppy and careless

- Serious and less playful

- Flow of his thoughts often jumped and unstructured that it's hard to understand other people.

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