"Life is ....... originated from B & ends at D. .. B = Birth (Birth) .. & D = Death (Death) .. But between the letters B & D ... there is the letter C. . C = Choice (Choice) .. Life has always offered a choice .... Smile or angry or retaliate .. Forgiveness .. Loving or hating or complaining .. .. Gratitude Hope or despair .. There is no choice without consequence. . But God always gives the best. "
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
[HOT INFO] Sejarah SNMPTN dari tahun ke tahun
Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau biasa disingkat SNM-PTN dulu dengan nama Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SPMB) adalah salah satu bentuk ujian penerimaan mahasiswa untuk perguruan tinggi negeri, selain program mandiri (melalui ujian mandiri) dan penyaluran minat dan bakat melalui sekolah-sekolah (PMDK). Ujian ini dilaksanakan selama dua hari dalam setiap tahunnya secara serentak di seluruh Indonesia, biasanya dilaksanakan pada awal bulan Juli. |
Necessary websites for students (11 websites)
Internet technology is present as a medium that has a multifunction. Various educational role in the realm of the internet becomes a source of information, the tools of learning (medium of communication and teacher-student interaction, student-student), learning facilities (e-learning), and as an educational institution institutional infrastructure (information systems).

Various roles are considered to be very special because it can improve information flows quickly and became an important point for the development of education in Indonesia in this globalization era.
Here are some comprehensive website and can be relied upon by students and teachers at various educational strata.
Various roles are considered to be very special because it can improve information flows quickly and became an important point for the development of education in Indonesia in this globalization era.
Here are some comprehensive website and can be relied upon by students and teachers at various educational strata.
MSN EncartaWebsites that have more than 4,500 articles, with furnished by dictionaries, maps, interactive quizzes, and more.
Please See its Web by clicking THIS
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